Wireless Equipment

There are various forms of wireless equipment on the market for cellular users.  These vary from cell phones to pagers to cellular cards.  There are even cellular routers out there that allow multiple wireless internet devices to connect to one router.  As new wireless equipment comes out its important that people understand what they are capable of, what they are not capable of and what a good price is for wireless technologies.   Businesses often use technical terminology and large words to confuse customers who are unaware so that they can over charge often outrageous rates to their consumers.

Wireless Cards

Wireless cards are little cards that are made to slide into slots in a laptop or notebook computer.  These cards also now come in Universal Serial Bus or USLB configurations.  They are one of the older types of wireless equipment though before recent times they were often much larger and cumbersome.  In more recent times on 4th generation wireless networks these cards are capable of download speeds well above ten megabytes a second and upload speeds of three to four megabytes per second.   The speed does however depend heavily on the usage of the wireless network in the area of the user.

Cellular Phones

Cellular Phones, also known as cell phones and wireless phones are no longer just simple phones.  They know allow you to check your email, navigate using an onboard GPS and Google Maps and they can even be used to let your friends know where you are using applications like FourSquare and Facebook.  What can be done on a cell phone can only be limited by the quality of the network that the device is on.  This is why its important to make sure that you have a good signal on your cellular network.

Wireless Router

Often times people on the go have the need to let more than one laptop onto a wireless card at one time.  This need is met with something called a wireless router.  In the United States this piece of wireless equipment is often branded as a MiFi hotspot.  Some cellular phones also allow you to use them as a wireless router.  The speed seen with wireless routers is often upwards of ten megabytes a second but like all other wireless devices this is highly dependent on the quality of the network the cellular device is connected too and the signal strength of the network.

Shop Online

When purchasing any sort of wireless equipment you may want to consider shopping online.  Often brick and mortar physical stores charge a substantial market value.  When you shop online you can safe often ten to twenty five percent.  This goes for almost any type of technology including computers, camera, cellular, and wireless networking.  With Amazon if your order is over twenty five dollars you get free shipping from Amazon with super saver shipping.

Remember however when you order any sort of technology you need to make sure you do your research to make sure its compatible with your needs and is at a good price.